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Please be informed that the Department of Schools has added a new section in iNEIS™. The purpose of this new section is to capture the Teacher’s Performance Appraisal (TPA) starting from September 2020.

School leaders are to remind their respective staffs with the School Admin-Teacher Records role to update the teachers’ as well as the school Principal and Deputy Principal’s information which includes their User Role Matrix (URM). Please do take note that this page is only accessible for the Principal and the Deputy Principal due to the confidentiality of the information.

There will be a workshop conducted for the school’s Principal and the Deputy Principal on this matter which the schedule will be shared in the near future. In addition, you may refer here to find out more about the iNEIS™ user roles. For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Unit Media Digital dan Elektronik (UMDE) via ineis@moe.gov.bn.

The memorandum to this matter is available here.

For further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact iNEIS™️ Helpdesk team at

Tel No: +673-2230635, or
Email: ineis@moe.gov.bn, or
visit our website http://help.ineis.moe.gov.bn

Thank you for your attention to this matter.